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canned code search
A1 Canned of pork/猪肉类罐头
Canned pork in gravy 原汁猪肉罐头 01 Canned Canned ham and pork 火腿猪肉罐头 02 Canned double - Fried pork 回锅肉罐头 03
Canned braised pork with brown sauce 红烧扣肉罐头 04 Canned steamed pork 清蒸猪肉罐头 05 Canned pork in gravy 浓汁猪肉罐头 06
Canned pork liver sauce 猪肝酱罐头 07 Canned luncheon meat 午餐肉罐头 08 Canned ham and eggs 火腿蛋罐头 09
Canned stewed ribs 红烧排骨罐头 010 Canned spiced pork chop 五香猪排罐头 011 Canned spareribs with salted black bean sauce 豉汁排骨罐头 013
Canned pork omelet 猪肉蛋卷罐头 014 Canned curry pork chop 咖喱排骨罐头 015 Canned chestnut spareribs 栗子排骨罐头 016
Canned pork chop in tomato sauce 茄汁猪排罐头 018 Canned broad hoof bladder 白垠蹄膀罐头 022 Canned Dongpo elbow 东坡肘子罐头 023
Canned stewed pork knuckles 红烧元蹄罐头 024 Canned pig's feet in crumpled oil 皱油猪蹄罐头 025 Canned pork leg in brown sauce 红烧猪腿罐头 026
Canned ham luncheon meat 云腿午餐肉罐头 027 Canned mushroom and pork feet and legs 香菇猪脚腿罐头 028 Canned pork feet in ginger and vinegar 姜醋猪脚罐头 029
Canned Lard 猪油罐头 030 Canned Yunman ham 云腿罐头 031 Canned jinhua ham 金华火腿罐头 032
Canned ham 火腿罐头 033 Canned ham slices 片装火腿罐头 034 Canned low-temperature ham 低温火腿罐头 035
Canned stewed pork 红烧猪肉罐头 036 Canned dongpo pork 东坡肉罐头 037 Canned pork in tomato sauce 茄汁猪肉罐头 038
Canned pork with pickled cabbage 酸菜猪肉罐头 039 Canned pork with preserved plum vegetable 梅菜扣肉罐头 040 Canned bacon 熏猪肉罐头 041
Canned pork 千烧猪肉罐头 042 Canned spicy pork 辣味猪肉罐头 043 Canned pork with lipu taro 荔浦芋扣肉罐头 045
Canned spiced diced pork 五香肉丁罐头 046 Canned coffee slices of meat 咖噢肉片罐头 048 Canned sweet and sour pork 咕噜肉罐头 049
Canned meat with chili sauce (diced meat) 椒酱肉罐头(美味肉丁) 052 Canned crystal spiced pork 水晶肴肉罐头 053 Canned steamed pork flour 粉蒸肉罐头 054
Canned four fresh meatballs 四鲜丸子罐头 055 Canned pork balls 猪肉丸子罐头 056 Canned Tasty meat 尊味肉罐头 058
Canned mushroom meat sauce 蘑菇肉酱罐头 059 Canned pork sauce with mushroom 香菇肉酱罐头 060 Canned sanxian meat sauce 三鲜肉酱罐头 061
Canned white oil hoofs tendon 白油蹄筋罐头 062 Canned ham hamstring 云腿蹄筋罐头 063 Canned pork sausage 猪肉香肠罐头 064
Canned pork sausage 猪肉腊肠罐头 065 Canned spiced wrinkled meat 五香皱肉罐头 067 Canned The pig tongue 猪舌罐头 073
Canned pork belly with sauce 酱猪肚罐头 083 Canned spiced pig offal 卤猪杂罐头 084 Canned diced pork with sauce 酱爆肉丁罐头 085
Canned diced pork with sauce 炸酱肉丁罐头 086 Canned ham luncheon meat 火腿午餐肉罐头 092 Canned pork liver luncheon meat 猪肝午餐肉罐头 093
Canned pork floss 肉松罐头 094 Canned meat in sauce 酱汁肉罐头 099 Canned pork with kudzu powder 粉葛扣肉罐头 0101
Canned cloud leg custard 云腿乳饼罐头 0102 Canned pork curry 咖喱猪肉罐头 0104 Canned bacon 腊肉罐头 0105
Canned stewed pork belly 清炖猪肚罐头 0106 Canned bacon (bacon ribs) 培根罐头〔烟熏肋肉) 0110 Canned pork and bamboo shoots 猪肉笋丁罐头 0111
Canned pork with plum vegetables 梅菜猪肉罐头 0112 Canned pork satay 沙茶猪肉罐头 0113 Canned satay meat cubes 沙茶肉丁罐头 0114
Canned samcha meat sauce 沙茶肉酱罐头 0115 Canned preserved vegetable and shredded pork 榨菜肉丝罐头 0116 Canned shrimp meat 虾子肉罐头 0119
Canned pork liver sausage 猪肝腊肠罐头 0122 Canned shredded pork with fish sauce 鱼香肉丝罐头 0123 Canned steamed pork belly and bamboo shoots 清蒸猪肚笋罐头 0124
Canned pork tenderloin 猪脊肉罐头 0125

A2 Canned meat of cattle, sheep and other livestock /牛羊及其他畜肉类罐头
Canned curry rabbit meat 咖喱兔肉罐头 141 Canned rabbit in tomato sauce 茄汁兔肉罐头 142 Canned zhuhou beef offal 柱侯牛杂罐头 143
Canned stewed beef offal 卤牛杂罐头 144 Canned spicy slices of beef 牛肉辣片罐头 145 Canned spiced mutton offal 卤羊杂罐头 146
Canned stewed beef 卤牛肉罐头 147 Canned beef braised in tomato sauce 鲜茄烩牛肉罐头 148 Canned rabbit for lunch 兔肉午餐肉罐头 149
Canned beef and mutton luncheon meat 牛羊肉午餐肉罐头 150 Canned steamed beef 清蒸牛肉罐头 151 Canned steamed mutton 清蒸羊肉罐头 152
Canned beef in gravy 浓汁牛肉罐头 153 Canned mutton in gravy 浓汁羊肉罐头 154 Canned corned beef 咸牛肉罐头 155
Canned salted mutton 咸羊肉罐头 156 Canned stewed beef 红烧牛肉罐头 157 Canned stewed mutton 红烧羊肉罐头 158
Canned curry beef 咖喱牛肉罐头 159 Canned curry mutton 咖喱羊肉罐头 160 Canned dry-roasted beef 干烧牛肉罐头 161
Canned dry-roasted preserved meat 干烧肉脯罐头 162 Canned spiced beef cubes 五香牛肉丁罐头 163 Canned roast mutton 烤羊肉罐头 164
Canned spiced beef offal 五香牛杂罐头 165 Canned Ox tongue 牛舌罐头 166 Canned lamb's tongue 羊舌罐头 167
Canned mutton for lunch 午餐羊肉罐头 168 Canned steamed rabbit meat 清蒸兔肉罐头 169 Canned stewed rabbit meat 红烧兔肉罐头 170
Canned spicy rabbit meat 辣味兔肉罐头 171 Canned boneless rabbit meat 去骨兔肉罐头 172 Canned beef and ham 牛肉火腿罐头 175
Canned pork breast 柱侯牛脯罐头 176 Canned stewed beef breast 红烧牛脯罐头 177 Canned boiled beef 水煮牛肉罐头 178
Canned spiced beef 五香牛肉罐头 179 Canned spicy beef 辣味牛肉罐头 180

A3 Canned poultry/禽肉类罐头
Canned poultry meat 禽肉类罐头 201 Canned white roast chicken 白烧鸡罐头 202 Canned roast duck 白烧鸭罐头 203
Canned boneless chicken 去骨鸡罐头 204 Canned boneless duck 去骨鸭罐头 205 Canned braised chicken 红烧鸡罐头 206
Canned stewed duck 红烧鸭罐头 207 Canned chicken with mushroom 冬菇鸡罐头 208 Canned mushroom and duck 冬菇鸭罐头 208
Canned chicken curry 咖喱鸡罐头 209 chicken curry 咖喱鸡丁罐头 209 Fried chicken 炸子鸡罐头 210
Canned chicken with salted black bean juice 豉汁鸡罐头 211 Canned chicken in tomato sauce 茄汁鸡罐头 212 Canned spiced chicken wing (wing) 五香鸡翼(翅)罐头 213
Canned chicken wrapped in paper 纸包鸡罐头 214 Canned boneless goose 去骨鹅罐头 215 Canned spicy Fried chicken 辣味炸子鸡罐头 216
Canned chicken in thick sauce 浓汁鸡罐头 217 Canned chicken with chestnuts 栗子鸡罐头 219 Canned chicken with mushroom and chestnut 冬菇栗子鸡罐头 220
Canned Whole roast chicken 整只烧鸡罐头 221 Canned Roast chicken boneless 去骨烧鸡罐头 222 Canned chicken stew with mushroom 香菇炖鸡罐头 223
Canned whole chicken 全鸡罐头 224 Canned spiced chicken cured 五香鸡腌罐头 225 Canned chicken with salt 盐擦鸡罐头 226
Canned roast duck 烤鸭罐头 232 Canned duck with orange peel 陈皮鸭罐头 233 Canned duck wrapped in paper 纸包鸭罐头 234
Canned spicy duck 辣味鸭罐头 237 Canned spiced duck 五香鸭罐头 241 Canned spiced duck offal 卤鸭杂罐头 242
Canned salted duck 五香鸭腌罐头 243 Canned of duck head, wings, feet 鸭三件罐头 244 Canned oil-baked goose 油炯鹅罐头 245
Canned spiced goose 五香鹅罐头 247 Canned roast goose 烤鹅罐头 249 Canned goose head, wings, feet 鹅三件罐头 250
Canned spiced goose marinade (delicious brine marinade) 五香鹅腌罐头(美味卤腌) 251 Canned red goose feet 红炯鹅掌罐头 252 Canned Fried bluebird 油炸禾花雀罐头 258
Canned stewed wild duck 红烧野鸭罐头 260 Canned stewed goose 红烧鹅罐头 267 Canned stuffed duck with sauce 酱填鸭罐头 270
Canned crispy duck in original juice 原汁酥鸭罐头 271 Canned fragrant Fried goose 香炸鹅罐头 272 Canned spiced goose feet 五香鹅掌罐头 273
Canned curry duck 咖喱鸭罐头 274 Canned goose with satay tea 沙茶鹅罐头 275 Canned baked whole chicken 焗全子鸡罐头 277
Canned glutinous rice chicken 糯米鸡罐头 278 Canned mushroom and duck wings 香菇鸭翅罐头 279 Canned duck with black bean sauce 豆豉鸭罐头 280
Canned duck soup with four treasures 鸭四宝汤罐头 282 Canned chicken with chilli sauce 辣子鸡罐头 283 Canned spicy diced chicken 辣鸡丁罐头 284
Canned hibiscus chicken fillet 芙蓉鸡片罐头 285 Canned Fried chicken 炒鸡丁罐头 286 Canned whole duck with mushroom 香菇全鸭罐头 287
Canned whole chicken with ham 火腿全鸡罐头 288 Canned crispy duck with glutinous rice 糯米香酥鸭罐头 289 Canned duck with cream mushrooms 奶油蘑菇鸭罐头 290
Canned duck with plum vegetables 梅菜烧鸭罐头 291 Canned duck in tomato sauce 茄汁鸭罐头 292 Canned skinless and boneless Turkey 去皮去骨火鸡罐头 293
Canned preserved chicken 腊鸡罐头 294 Canned shredded chicken and preserved vegetable 榨菜鸡丝罐头 295 Canned stewed duck with mushroom 香菇炖鸭罐头 296
Canned whole squab stewed with mushroom 冬菇炖全乳鸽罐头 297 Canned chicken with scallion oil 葱油鸡罐头 298 Canned spiced duck wings 卤鸭掌翅罐头 299

A4 Canned fish in oil or tomato sauce/油浸、茄汁鱼类罐头
Canned mackerel in oil 油浸鲭魚(鲐魚)罐头 301 Canned mackerel in oil 油浸鲅鱼(马鲛鱼) 罐头 302 Canned pomfret in oil 油浸鲳鱼罐头 303
Canned carvally in oil 油浸鲹鱼罐头 304 Canned eel in oil 油浸鳗鱼罐头 305 Canned smoked eel in oil 油浸烟熏鳗鱼罐头 306
Canned herring in oil 油浸青鱼罐头 307 Canned small white fish in oil 油浸小白鱼罐头 308 Canned ribbon fish in oil 油浸带鱼罐头 309
Canned yellow croaker in oil 油浸黄鱼罐头 310 Canned flounder in oil 油浸牙鲆鱼 (比目鱼) 罐头 312 Canned Oil-immersed ð © delighted many customers and ƒ 油浸鮸鱼罐头 313
Canned bass in oil 油浸鲈鱼罐头 314 Canned tuna in oil 油浸金枪鱼罐头 315 Canned silver carp in oil 油浸鲢鱼罐头 316
Canned grass carp in oil 油浸草鱼罐头 317 Canned pine fish in oil 油浸松鱼罐头 318 Canned smoked ribbon fish in oil 油浸烟熏带鱼罐头 319
Canned Chinese herring in oil 油浸鰳鱼罐头 320 Canned Oil-immersed Xi fish 油浸鱚鱼罐头 321 Canned snapper in oil (with fish) 油浸鲷鱼 (加吉鱼) 罐头 322
Canned bonito in oil 油浸鲣鱼罐头 323 Canned carp in oil 油浸鲤鱼罐头 324 Canned mullet in oil 油浸鲻鱼罐头 325
Canned huangqian fish in oil 油浸黄犍魚罐头 327 Canned Chinese herring smoked in a tin of yellow croaker 鰳烟熏黄鱼罐头 328 Canned Oil-immersed Ji fish 油浸鰶鱼罐头 330
Canned smoked dace in oil 油浸烟熏鲮鱼罐头 331 Canned smoked blue scale fish in oil 油浸烟熏青鳞鱼罐头 332 Canned In oil smoke Xi fish 油浸烟熏鱚鱼罐头 333
Canned blue scale fish in oil 油浸青鳞鱼罐头 334 Canned In oil smoke Ji fish 油浸烟熏鰶鱼罐头 335 Canned sardines in oil 油浸沙丁鱼罐头 336
Canned smoked horse noodle fish in oil 油浸烟熏马面鱼罐头 337 Canned Chinese herring's herring in Chinese oil 油浸烟熏鰳鱼謎头 338 Canned herring in oil 油浸鲱鱼罐头 339
Canned mackerel in tomato sauce 茄汁鲭鱼罐头 351 Canned mackerel in tomato sauce 茄汁鲅鱼罐头 352 Canned Pomfret in tomato sauce underheads 茄汁鲳鱼馑头 353
Canned They go fish 茄汁鯵鱼罐头 354 Canned eel in tomato sauce 茄汁鳗鱼罐头 355 Canned herring in tomato sauce 茄汁青鱼罐头 356
Canned small white fish in tomato sauce 茄汁小白鱼罐头 357 Canned pike in tomato sauce 茄汁狗魚罐头 358 Canned carp in tomato sauce 茄汁鲤鱼罐头 359
Canned yellow croaker in tomato sauce 茄汁黄鱼罐头 360 Canned ribbon fish in tomato sauce 茄汁带鱼罐头 361 Canned flounder in tomato sauce 茄汁牙鲆鱼罐头 363
Canned snapper in tomato sauce 茄汁鲷鱼罐头 364 Canned bass in tomato sauce 茄汁鲈鱼罐头 365 Canned mullet in tomato sauce 茄汁鲻鱼罐头 366
Canned grass carp in tomato sauce 茄汁草鱼罐头 367 Canned silver carp in tomato sauce 茄汁鲢鱼罐头 368 Canned red drum in tomato sauce 茄汁红姑鱼罐头 369
Canned In tomato sauce ð © delighted many customers and ƒ 茄汁鮸鱼罐失 372 Canned fish in tomato sauce 茄汁池鱼罐头 373 Canned Chinese herring in tomato sauce 茄汁鰳鱼罐头 374
Canned In tomato sauce Xi fish 茄汁鱚鱼罐头 375 Canned bonito in tomato sauce 茄汁鲣鱼罐头 376 Canned herring in tomato sauce 茄汁鲱鱼罐头 377
Canned catfish in tomato sauce 茄汁鲶鱼罐头 378 Canned In tomato sauce Ji fish 茄汁鰶鱼罐头 379 Canned bluefish in tomato sauce 茄汁青鳞鱼罐头 380
Canned fish in tomato sauce 茄汁香鱼罐头 381 Canned plum fish in tomato sauce 茄汁梅童鱼罐头 382 Canned yellow drum in tomato sauce 茄汁黄姑鱼罐头 384
Canned red snapper in tomato sauce 茄汁红鲷鱼罐头 386 Canned red snapper in tomato sauce, spicy 茄汁辣味红鲷鱼罐头 387 Canned pomfret in tomato sauce (sardine) 茄汁鲳鱼罐头(沙丁鱼) 388

A5 Canned seasoned fish/调味鱼类罐头
Canned braised yellow croaker 红烧黄鱼罐头 401 Canned grass carp in brown sauce 红烧鲩鱼罐头 402 Canned Braised pork with five tins 红烧带伍罐头 403
Canned stewed eel 红烧鳗鱼罐头 404 Canned mackerel in brown sauce 红烧鲅鱼罐头 405 Canned mackerel in brown sauce 红烧鲹鱼罐头 406
Canned braised flounder 红烧牙鲆鱼罐头 407 Canned stewed carp 红烧鲤鱼罐头 408 Canned stewed herring 红烧青鱼罐头 409
Canned stewed snapper 红烧鲷鱼罐头 410 Canned braised bass 红烧鲈鱼罐头 411 Canned braised pomfret 红烧鲳鱼罐头 412
Canned abalone in brown sauce 红烧鲍鱼罐头 413 Canned stewed grass carp 红烧草鱼罐头 414 Canned braised silver carp 红烧鲢鱼罐头 415
Canned stewed whale 红烧鲸鱼罐头 416 Canned bonito in brown sauce 红烧鲣鱼罐头 417 Canned crucian carp in brown sauce 红烧鲫鱼罐头 418
Canned Chinese herring in brown sauce 红烧鰳鱼罐头 420 Canned stewed fishƒ 红烧鮸鱼罐头 421 Canned stewed fish 红烧鱼罐头 422
Canned stewed fish in soy sauce 豆瓣红烧鱼罐头 423 Canned sascha fillet 沙茶鱼片罐头 431 Canned Fried eel fillet 炒鳝丝罐头 432
Canned sweet and sour fish 糖醋鱼罐头 433 Canned curry fish fillet 咖喱鱼片罐头 434 Canned fish fillet 糟溜鱼片罐头 435
Canned dried crucian carp 干烧鲫鱼罐头 436 Canned minced fish for lunch 午餐鱼糜罐头 437 Canned fish balls 鱼丸罐头 438
Canned Fried plum fish 酥炸梅童鱼罐头 439 Canned mayonnaise sauce 蛋黄鱼籽酱罐头 440 Canned dace with paste 酱鲮鱼罐头 441
Canned air-dried dace 风干鲮鱼罐头 442 Canned herring in raw juice 原汁鲱鱼罐头 443 Canned roasted carp with scallion 葱烤鲤鱼罐头 444
Canned crisp Fried flounder 酥炸牙鲆鱼罐头 445 Canned fresh Fried blue scale fish 鲜炸青鳞鱼罐头 446 Canned spiced silver gill fish 五香银鳃鱼罐头 447
Canned spiced horse noodle fish 五香辣味马面鱼罐头 448 Canned mackerel in Chinese style 五香鲅鱼罐头 450 Canned anchovies 凤尾鱼罐头 451
Canned spiced whitebait 五香银鱼罐头 452 Canned spiced fish 五香花鱼罐头 453 Canned spiced ribbon fish 五香带鱼罐头 454
Canned coilia coilia fresh Fried 鲜炸鲚鱼罐头 455 Canned spiced mixed fish 五香杂鱼罐头 456 Canned spiced yellow croaker 五香黄鱼罐头 457
Canned spiced crucian carp 五香鲫鱼罐头 458 Canned Fried dace 鲜炸鲮鱼罐头 459 Canned Fried mullet 鲜炸鲻鱼罐头 460
Canned fresh Fried grass carp 鲜炸草鱼罐头 461 Canned fresh Fried lionfish (mackerel) 鲜炸狮子鱼(马面鱼)罐头 462 Canned crispy Fried crucian carp 酥炸鲫鱼鱼罐头 463
Canned fresh Fried fish fillets 鲜炸鱼片罐头 464 Canned Fried horse noodle fish 油炸马面鱼罐头 465 Canned Fried eel 鲜炸鳝鱼罐头 466
Canned fish 熏鱼罐头 467 Canned Chinese herring in smoke 烟熏鰳鱼罐头 468 Canned steamed salmon 清蒸鲑鱼罐头 469
Canned steamed carp 清蒸鲤鱼罐头 470 Canned steamed miichthys miiuy 清蒸鮸鱼罐头 471 Canned dace with black bean sauce 豆豉鲮鱼罐头 472
Canned grass carp in black bean sauce 豆豉鲩鱼罐头 473 Canned Grilled fish with scallion is fish 葱烤鱼即鱼罐头 474 Canned grilled ribbon fish with scallion 葱烤带鱼罐头 475
Canned asparagus fish 龙须鱼罐头 477 Canned Jump fish 跳鱼罐头 478 Canned diced fish fillet with bamboo shoot 笋丁鱼片罐头 480
Canned Fried fish fillet 炒鱼片罐头 481 Canned vegetable leaf roll with fish filling 鱼馅菜叶卷罐头 484 Canned stewed bass 清炖鲈鱼罐头 488
Canned bonito in sauce 原汁鲣鱼罐头 491 Canned mackerel in gravy 原汁鲭鱼罐头 492 Canned grass carp 乌豆鲩鱼罐头 493
Canned spiced white pigeon and fish 五香白鸽鱼罐头 495 Canned jade elegant fish 玉雅鱼罐头 496 Canned lotus carp 荷包鲤鱼罐头 497
Canned Fried fish with sauce 鲜炸鱼昌鱼罐头 499

A6 Canne shellfish and shrimp/贝虾类罐头
Canned Fried oyster 油炸蠔罐头 501 Canned oyster soup 清汤蠔罐头 502 Canned oyster with black bean sauce 豆豉蠔罐头 503
Canned oyster in lard 猪油蠔罐头 504 Canned oyster 日月蠔罐头 505 Canned razor clam soup 清汤蛏罐头 506
Canned razor clam in brown sauce 红烧蛏罐头 507 Canned limacon granosa soup 清汤蚶罐头 508 Canned tegillarca granosa in brown sauce 红烧蚶罐头 509
Canned conch in soy sauce 豉油海螺罐头 510 Canned spiced conch 五香海螺罐头 511 Canned stewed clam 红烧花蛤罐头 512
Canned clam in clear soup 清汤花蛤罐头 513 Canned abalone in raw juice 原汁鲍鱼罐头 514 Canned steamed prawns 清蒸对虾罐头 515
Canned chopped shrimp 碎虾肉罐头 516 Canned shrimp in tomato sauce 茄汁虾仁罐头 517 Canned red scallop in brown sauce 红烧赤贝罐头 520
Canned cuttlefish with soy sauce 酱油墨鱼罐头 521 Canned cuttlefish in tomato sauce 茄汁墨鱼罐头 522 Canned Fresh Fried fish is 鲜炸既鱼罐头 523
Canned stewed squid roll 红烧鱿鱼卷罐头 524 Canned steamed cuttlefish 清蒸墨鱼罐头 525 Canned steamed crab meat 清蒸蟹肉罐头 527
Canned crab sauce 蟹黄酱罐头 528 Canned stewed oyster 红烧蠔罐头 530 Canned steamed clams 清蒸蚬肉罐头 531
Canned smoked oyster in oil 油浸烟熏蠔罐头 532 Canned Fried oyster beads 油炸珠蠔罐头 533 Canned scallop in original juice 原汁赤贝罐头 534
Canned squid in soy sauce 豉油鱿鱼罐头 535 Canned Stewed turtle Hong head 清炖甲鱼黉头 536 Canned smoked cuttlefish in oil 油浸烟熏墨鱼罐头 537
Canned crab pill 蟹丸罐头 538 Canned clam in juice 原汁纹蛤罐头 539 Canned shrimp (fresh shrimp) 鲜制虾仁罐头 ( 鲜制小虾) 540
Canned Choi clams 彩蛤罐头 541 Canned mussel in soy sauce 豉油贻贝罐头 542 Canned scallop in soy sauce 豉油赤贝罐头 543
Canned delicious scallop 美味赤贝罐头 543 Canned clam meat in soy sauce 豉油蛤肉罐头 544 Canned mussel in raw juice 原汁贻贝罐头 545
Canned smoked mussel in oil 油浸烟熏贻贝罐头 546

A7 Canne sugar water, candied fruit/糖水、糖桨水果类罐头
Canned orange in syrup 糖水橘子罐头 601 Canned pineapple in syrup 糖水菠萝罐头 602 Canned bananas in syrup 糖水香蕉罐头 603
Canned carambola in syrup 糖水杨桃罐头 604 Canned litchi in syrup 糖水荔枝罐头 605 Canned longan in syrup 糖水龙眼罐头 606
Canned loquat in syrup 糖水枇杷罐头 607 Canned arbutus in syrup 糖水杨梅罐头 608 Canned grape in syrup 糖水葡萄罐头 609
Canned cherry in syrup 糖水樱桃罐头 610 Canned apple in syrup 糖水苹果罐头 611 Canned pear in syrup 糖水洋梨罐头 612
Canned peaches in syrup 糖水桃子罐头 613 Canned apricots in syrup 糖水杏子罐头 614 Canned begonia in syrup 糖水海棠罐头 615
Canned Sugar and vegetable 糖加I植罐头 616 Canned mango in syrup 糖水芒果罐头 617 Canned yellow pearl in syrup 糖水黄珍珠罐头 618
Canned jackfruit in syrup 糖水菠萝蜜罐头 619 Canned strawberry in syrup 糖水草莓罐头 620 Canned kumquat in syrup 糖水金橘罐头 621
Canned dates in syrup 糖水枣子罐头 622 Canned sugar sleeve slice 糖水袖片罐头 623 Canned fruit assorted in syrup 糖水什锦水果罐头 624
Canned anned pineapple filled longan in syrup 糖水菠萝夹心龙眼罐头 625 Canned pineapple with litchi in syrup 糖水菠萝夹心荔枝罐头 626 Canned plums in syrup 糖水李子罐头 627
Canned peaches in syrup 糖水蟠桃罐头 628 Canned papaya in syrup 糖水木瓜罐头 629 Canned Dry apples 干装苹果罐头 630
Canned mandarin orange in syrup 糖水广柑罐头 631 Canned figs in syrup: 糖水无花果罐头 632 Canned dry white pears 干装白梨罐头 633
Canned watermelon in syrup 糖水西瓜罐头 634 Canned osmanthus date 桂花枣罐头 635 Canned double colored fruit 双色水果罐头 636
Canned kiwi fruit in syrup 糖水猕猴桃罐头 637 Canned melon with mercury and sugar 糖水银瓜罐头 638 Canned orange sac 橘子囊胞罐头 639
Canned cherry in plain water 清水樱桃罐头 640 Canned strawberries in plain water 清水草莓罐头 641 Canned white peach pulp (slice) 白桃浆(片)罐头 642
Canned assorted fruit slices: 什锦果片罐头 643 Canned ginkgo in syrup 糖水白果罐头 644 Canned chestnuts in syrup 糖水栗子罐头 645
Canned pears in syrup 糖水梨罐头 647 Canned cantaloupe in syrup 糖水哈密瓜罐头 648 Canned kumquat in syrup 糖浆金橘罐头 669
Canned strawberry syrup 糖浆草莓罐头 670 Canned apple syrup 糖浆苹果罐头 671 Canned pear syrup 糖浆梨罐头 672
Canned apricot syrup 糖浆杏子罐头 673 Canned hawthorn with syrup 糖浆山楂罐头 674 Canned mandarin orange in syrup 糖浆广柑罐头 675
Canned longan syrup 糖浆龙眼罐头 676 Canned syrupy FIG 糖浆无花果罐头 677 Canned plum syrup 糖浆李子罐头 678
Canned peach pulp 精浆桃子罐头 679 Canned syrup assorted 糖浆什锦罐头 680 Canned carambola syrup 糖浆杨桃罐头 681
Canned cherry in syrup 糖浆櫻桃罐头 682 Canned mango in syrup 糖浆芒果罐头 683 Canned preserved fruit assorted 蜜饯什锦罐头 684
Canned guava jelly 番石榴果冻罐头 686 Canned frozen mango 芒果冻罐头 687 Canned frozen apple 苹果冻罐头 688
Canned banana puree 香蕉泥罐头 689 Canned frozen orange peel (citrus marmoran) 橘皮冻罐头 (柑橘马茉兰) 690 Canned orange carrot puree 柑橘胡萝卜泥罐头 691

A8 Canned jam and fruit juice/果酱、果汁类罐头
Canned citrus jam 柑橘酱罐头 701 Canned pineapple jam 菠萝酱罐头 702 Canned strawberry jam 草莓酱罐头 703
Canned apple jam 苹果酱罐头 704 Canned peach jam 桃子酱罐头 705 Canned apricot jam 杏子酱罐头 706
Canned begonia sauce 海棠酱罐头 707 Canned hawthorn jam 山楂酱罐头 708 Canned loquat jam 枇杷酱罐头 709
Canned bayberry jam 杨梅酱罐头 710 Canned longan sauce 龙眼酱罐头 711 Canned mango jam 芒果酱罐头 712
Canned cherry jam. 樱桃酱罐头. 713 Canned grapefruit jam 柚子酱罐头 714 Canned coconut jam 椰子酱罐头 715
Canned plum jam 李子酱罐头 716 Canned assorted jam 什锦果酱罐头 717 Canned guava jam 番石榴酱罐头 718
Canned banana jam 香蕉酱罐头 719 Canned peach jam 桃李酱罐头 720 Canned pear sauce 梨酱罐头 721
Canned watermelon 西瓜凿罐头 722 Canned FIG jam 无花果酱罐头 723 Canned assorted strawberry jam 什锦草莓酱罐头 724
Canned kiwi jam 猕猴桃酱罐头 725 Canned grape jam 葡萄酱罐头 726 Canned coconut mayonnaise 椰蓉蛋黄酱罐头 727
Canned Jujube paste 枣蓉罐头 728 Canned chestnut puree 栗子酱罐头 729 Canned Thorn pear fruit jam 刺梨果酱罐头 730
Canned hawthorn juice 山楂汁罐头 741 Canned cranberry juice 酸梅汁罐头 742 Canned concentrated orange juice (citrus syrup) 浓缩柑橘汁罐头(柑橘汁糖浆) 743
Canned pineapple juice concentrate :(pineapple juice syrup) 浓缩菠萝汁罐头:(菠萝汁糖浆) 744 Canned concentrated grapefruit juice (grapefruit juice syrup) 浓缩柚子汁罐头 (柚子汁糖浆) 745 Canned concentrated lemon juice (lemon juice syrup) 浓缩柠檬汁罐头 (柠檬汁糖浆) 746
Canned lychee juice (lychee juice syrup) 浓宿荔枝汁罐头 (荔枝汁糖浆) 747 Canned litchi juice 荔枝汁罐头 748 Canned grape juice 葡萄汁罐头 749
Canned loquat juice 枇杷汁罐头 750 Canned fresh orange juice 鲜柑橘汁罐头 755 Canned fresh pineapple dream juice 鲜菠夢汁罐头 756
Canned fresh grapefruit juice 鲜柚子汁罐头 757 Canned coconut milk (juice) 椰子汁罐头 758 Canned bayberry juice 杨梅汁罐头 759
Canned concentrated bayberry juice 浓缩杨梅汁罐头 760 Canned concentrated orange juice 浓缩橙汁罐头 761 Canned concentrated grape juice 浓缩葡萄汁罐头 762
Canned concentrated hawthorn juice 浓缩山楂汁罐头 765 Canned concentrated plum juice 浓缩酸梅汁罐头 766 Canned apple juice concentrate (clear juice) 浓缩苹果汁罐头 767
Canned apple juice concentrate 浓缩苹果混汁罐头 767 1 Canned roxburgh rose juice 刺梨汁罐头 768 Canned apricot juice 杏子汁罐头 769
Canned mango juice 芒果汁罐头 770 Canned apple juice 苹果汁罐头 773 Canned apple sauce (puree) 苹果沙司罐头(苹果泥) 774
Canned pear sauce 洋梨沙司罐头 775 Canned peach sauce 桃子沙司罐头 776 Canned peach and apricot sauce 桃杏沙司罐头 777
Canned lemon juice 柠檬汁罐头 778 Canned pear juice 洋梨汁罐头 780 Canned jujube juice 酸枣汁罐头 781
Canned apple milk sauce 苹果牛奶沙司罐头 783 Canned apple and plum sauce 苹果黄梅沙司罐头 785 Canned plum juice 李子汁罐头 786
Canned orange juice 粒粒橙汁罐头 787 Canned strawberry juice 草莓汁罐头 789 Canned passion fruit juice 西番莲汁罐头 790
Canned peach juice 桃子汁罐头 791 Canned cantaloupe juice 哈密瓜汁罐头 792 Canned kiwi juice 猕猴桃汁罐头 793
Canned peach pulp 桃浆罐头 794 Canned guava juice 番石榴汁罐头 795 Canned yellow juice 黄皮汁罐头 796
Canned cane juice 果蔗汁罐头 797 Canned lactobacillus beverage 乳酸菌饮料罐头 798 Canned soybean milk 豆乳罐头 799
Canned soya milk beverage 豆乳饮料罐头 799 Canned water chestnut juice (cool) 粒粒马蹄汁罐头 7100 Canned walnut milk 核桃乳罐头 7102

A9 Canned vegetable/蔬菜类罐头
Canned green beans 青豆罐头 801 Canned cut green beans 青刀豆罐头 802 Canned pickle 酸黄瓜罐头 803
Canned Lai flower 莱花罐头 804 Canned mushroom 蘑菇罐头 805 Canned coleslaw 凉拌菜罐头 806
Canned whole tomato juice 原汁整番茄罐头 807 Canned eggplant sauce 茄子酱罐头 808 Canned cilantro heart 香菜心罐头 809
Canned vegetable heart with fish sauce 鱼露菜心罐头 810 Canned braised bamboo shoot 油焖笋罐头 811 Canned bamboo shoots 冬笋罐头 812
Canned sweet corn 甜玉米罐头 813 Canned Chestnut bean 栗豆罐头 814 Canned chestnut beans in tomato sauce 茄汁栗豆罐头 814 1
Canned French beans 玉豆罐头 815 Canned French beans in tomato sauce 茄汁玉豆罐头 815 1 Canned collybia albuminosa 鸡枞罐头 816
Canned kidney beans 云豆罐头 817 Canned boiled red beans 清煮赤豆罐头 818 Canned lotus seeds in water 清水莲子罐头 819
Canned assorted pickles (assorted pickles) 什色酱菜罐头(什锦酱菜) 820 Canned cucumber with milk 乳黄瓜罐头 821 Canned broad beans 蚕豆罐头 822
Canned pickled cabbage 雪菜罐头 823 Canned spicy cabbage 辣味雪菜罐头 823 l Canned bamboo shoot and pickled cabbage 笋丝雪菜罐头 823 2
Canned plum burial with water (water horseshoe) 清水李葬罐头(清水马蹄) 824 Canned lotus root in clean water 清水莲藕罐头 825 Canned water chestnut 清水菱角罐头 826
Canned ginger with water 清水姜罐头 827 Canned vegetable filling and leaf roll 菜馅菜叶卷罐头〔菜包菜) 828 Canned sweet and sour cucumber (crisp cucumber) 甜酸黄瓜罐头(香脆黄瓜) 829
Canned tomato juice 番茄汁罐头 830 Canned green soybean 毛豆罐头 831 Canned sweet and sour asparagus shoot 甜酸葛笋罐头 832
Canned red beans in salted water 咸水红豆罐头 833 Canned stuffed pepper 填馅辣椒罐头 834 Canned soybeans in tomato sauce 茄汁黄豆罐头 835
Canned Brussels sprouts in vinegar 醋汁抱子甘蓝罐头 836 Canned mung bean sprouts 绿豆芽罐头 837 Canned mushroom with slipper 滑子菇罐头 838
Canned carrot in brine 盐水胡萝卜罐头 839 Canned mushroom 平菇罐头 840 Canned sagebrush head (sweet and sour sagebrush head) 荞头罐头(甜酸荞头) 841
Canned mushroom 金针菇罐头 842 Canned pickle 榨菜罐头 843 Canned braised water shoot 油焖茭白罐头 844
Canned turnip in oil 油炯大头菜罐头 845 Canned rose turnip 玫瑰大头菜罐头 845 1 Canned mushroom 香菇罐头 846
Canned tomato sauce/tomato paste 番茄酱罐头 847 Canned baby corn 玉米笋罐头 848 Canned white kidney beans in tomato sauce 茄汁白豆罐头 850
Canned white bean in brine 盐水白豆罐头 850 1 Canned bitter gourd in plain water 清水苦瓜罐头 851 Canned pickled cowpea 酸辣豇豆罐头 852
Canned fresh straw mushroom 鲜草菇罐头 854 Canned fresh bamboo shoot 清水笋罐头 855 Canned fresh bamboo shoots in original juice 原汁鲜笋罐头 856
Canned asparagus juice 芦笋汁罐头 857 Canned hot and sour dish (mixed hot and sour dish) 酸辣菜罐头(酸辣什锦菜) 858 Canned sweet and sour green pepper 甜酸青辣椒罐头 859
Canned assorted vegetables 什锦蔬菜罐头 860 Canned spicy assorted vegetables 辣味什锦蔬菜罐头 860 1 Canned sweet and sour assorted vegetables 甜酸什锦蔬菜罐头 860 2
Canned assorted vegetables in tomato sauce 茄汁什锦蔬菜罐头 860 3 Canned hericium mushroom 猴头菇罐头 861 Canned boiled bamboo shoots 水煮笋罐头 862
Canned fresh bamboo shoot with water 清水鲜笋尖罐头 863 Canned pickled mustard 调味榨菜罐头 864 Canned yulan flakes 玉兰片罐头 865
Canned stewed bamboo shoots 红烧竹笋罐头 866 Canned lily juice 百合汁罐头 867 Canned sweet and sour water cane 甜酸茭白罐头 868
Canned white parsley heart 白香菜心罐头 869 Canned Mushroom, winter bamboo shoot 炒双冬罐头 870 Canned sweet and sour carrot 糖醋胡萝卜罐头 871
Canned carrot in brown sauce 红烧胡萝卜罐头 871 1 Canned fresh broadleaf arrowhead 鲜茨菇罐头 872 Canned pickled and spicy lotus root 酸辣藕罐头 873
Canned sweet pepper sauce 甜椒酱罐头 874 Canned shredded lettuce 莴笋丝罐头 875 Canned carrot puree 胡萝卜泥罐头 876
Canned bitter melon 酿苦瓜罐头 877 Canned cucumber 黄瓜罐头 878 Canned spinach 菠菜罐头 879
Canned plain celery 清水芹菜罐头 880 Canned bamboo shoots and ginseng (small bamboo shoots) 竹笋参罐头(小竹笋) 881 Canned potatoes in brine 盐水土豆(马铃薯)罐头 883
Canned red pepper (sweet and sour red pepper) 红色菜椒(甜酸红辣椒)罐头 884 Canned spicy cabbage 辣白菜罐头 885 Canned okra 黄秋葵罐头 886
Canned eggplant in tomato sauce 茄汁茄子罐头 887 Canned spicy eggplant 麻辣茄子罐头 887 l Canned fresh abalone mushroom 鲜鲍菇罐头 888
Canned fresh ginger 嫩姜罐头 889 Canned delicious dried flower 美味花干罐头 890 Canned dried fish flower 鱼香花干罐头 890 1
Canned delicious and fragrant 美味香干罐头 891 Canned tomato sauce 番茄沙司罐头 892 Canned Pleurotus nebrodensis 白灵菇罐头 893

A10 Canned of ther types /其他类罐头

Canned peanut 花生米罐头 901 Canned spiced peanut 五香花生米罐头 901 1 Canned peanut in brine 盐水花生米罐头 901 2
Canned coconut slice 椰子片罐头 902 Canned broad bean petals 蚕豆瓣罐头 903 Canned diced green bean and meat 青豆肉丁罐头 904
Canned peanut in syrup (peanut in sweet soup) 糖水花生罐头〔甜汤花生) 905 Canned water chestnut in syrup 糖水菱角罐头 906 Canned lotus seeds in syrup 糖水莲子罐头 907
Canned water chestnuts in sugared water (horseshoe in sugared water) 糖水荸荠罐头(糖水马蹄) 908 Canned chestnut jam 栗子酱罐头 909 Canned Chestnut Rong in Milk Shantou 奶汕栗子蓉罐头 909 1
Canned lotus seed paste 莲蓉罐头 910 Canned potato paste with lard 猪油芋泥罐头 9110 1 Canned water cane with shredded pork 茭白肉丝罐头 912
Canned pork noodle with fried noodles 肉丝炒面罐头 913 Canned Spring rolls 春卷罐头 914 Canned shredded bamboo shoots 笋干肉片罐头 915
Canned pork fillet Fried with bamboo shoots 笋炒肉丝罐头 916 Canned eight-treasure rice pudding 八宝饭罐头 917 Canned assorted preserved eggs, 什锦皮蛋罐头 918
Canned preserved egg 虎皮蛋罐头 918 1 Canned Quail eggs W head 鹤鹑蛋罐头 918 2 Canned olive with garlic oil 蒜油榄罐头 919
Canned mixed Fried rice 什锦炒饭罐头 920 Canned seasoned rice 调味米饭罐头 920 1 Canned Three cubes of rice 三丁米饭罐头 920 2
Canned meat, vegetables and rice 肉菜米饭罐头 920 3 Canned red beans and rice 赤豆米饭罐头 920 4 Canned scrambled eggs with pork and bamboo shoots 肉笋炒蛋罐头 921
Canned vegetable scrambled eggs 蔬菜炒蛋罐头 921 1 Canned scrambled eggs with broad beans 蚕豆炒蛋罐头 921 2 Canned assorted scrambled eggs 什锦炒蛋罐头 921 3
Canned peanut butter 花生酱罐头 922 Canned sweet and sour fruit and vegetable assorted 甜酸果蔬什锦罐头 923 Canned fruit and vegetable assorted in syrup 糖水果蔬什锦罐头 924
Canned THREE VEGETABLE WIRE 炒三丝罐头 925 Canned THREE VEGETABLE WIRE 炒素三丝罐头 925 1 Canned plain ginkgo fruit 清水白果罐头 926
Canned Fried noodles with shredded chicken and eggs 鸡丝蛋炒面罐头 927 Canned assorted ginger 什锦姜罐头 928 Canned Fried rice with ham and eggs 火腿蛋炒饭罐头 929
Canned red bean in syrup 糖水赤豆罐头 930 Canned four combination 四色拼盘罐头 931 Canned fresh bean curd and bamboo 四鲜腐竹罐头 932
Canned pork with pickled cabbage 雪菜肉丝罐头 933 Canned pork noodle in tomato sauce 茄汁肉末面罐头 934 Canned assorted vegetable noodle 什锦疏菜面罐头 935
Canned Fried rice vermicelli 炒米粉丝罐头 936 Canned dried red beans 干装赤豆罐头 937 Canned THREE Saute 炒三片罐头 938
Canned fruit jelly with tremella 水果银耳羹罐头 939 Canned orange and tremella soup 橘子银耳羹罐头 939 1 Canned chicken fillet shark fin soup 鸡丝鱼翅汤罐头 940
Canned shark fin soup 鱼翅汤罐头 941 Canned dried bean curd pork 豆干猪肉罐头 942 Canned eight-treasure porridge 八宝粥罐头 943
Canned cantonese stock soup (super) 粤式高汤罐头 (特级) 944 Canned cantonese stock soup (advanced) 粤式高汤罐头 (高级) 944 1 Canned ham juice 火腿汁罐头 945
Canned fruit soup 四果汤罐头 946 Canned tminced meat 肉泥罐头 947 Canned red bean paste 红豆沙罐头 948
Canned west lake water shield soup 西湖莼菜汤罐头 949 Canned jujube and bean paste 枣豆蓉罐头 949 1 Canned turtle ling paste 龟苓膏罐头 950
Canned preserved bean in syrup 糖水花皮豆罐头 951 Canned jelly 凉粉罐头 952 Canned bird's nest soup with ears 燕窝双耳羹罐头 953
Canned chicken paste 鸡肉菜糊罐头 954 Canned bone mud 骨泥罐头 955 Canned almonds in salted oil 咸味油煎杏仁罐头 956
Canned spiced almond 五香杏仁罐头 956 1 Canned apricot kernel with salt and pepper 椒盐杏仁罐头 956 2 Canned salted walnuts 咸核桃仁罐头 959
Canned amber walnuts 琥珀核桃仁罐头 960 Canned walnut kernel 甜核桃仁罐头 961 Canned conpoy snake soup 瑶柱蛇羹罐头 962
Canned ham and meat dumplings 火腿鲜肉粽子罐头 963 Canned fresh meat zongzi with chestnut 栗子鲜肉粽子罐头 963 1 Canned rice dumplings with egg yolk and fresh meat 蛋黄鲜肉粽子罐头 963 2
Canned chicken curry dumplings 咖喱鸡肉粽子罐头 963 3 Canned mushroom and seafood zongzi 冬菇海鲜粽子罐头 963 4 Canned glutinous rice dumplings with melon kernel and fine sand 瓜仁细沙粽子罐头 963 5
Canned chicken fillet in cold sauce 鸡丝清补凉罐头 964 Canned Snake soup 蛇羹罐头 965 Canned barley seed and lotus seed in syrup 糖水苡米莲子罐头 966
Canned hoof tendon soup (cow hoof tendon soup) 蹄筋汤罐头(牛蹄筋汤) 967 Canned egg with water 清水鸡蛋罐头 968 Canned quail eggs 鹤鹑蛋罐头 968 1
Canned turtle soup 海龟汤罐头 969 Canned ginseng chicken soup 人参鸡丝汤罐头 970 Canned pork ribs and lotus root soup 排骨莲藕汤罐头 971
Canned assorted dried fruit (1 kernel) 什锦干果罐头(一仁) 972 Canned assorted dried fruit (three kernel) 什锦干果罐头(三仁) 972 1 Canned assorted dried fruit (4 nuts) 什锦干果罐头(四仁) 972 2
Canned turtle and snake soup 龟蛇羹罐头 973 Canned frozen cabbage soup 冰花发菜羹罐头 976 Canned almond milk (dew) 杏仁乳(露)罐头 977
Canned mushroom cutlet soup 蘑菇肉片汤罐头 979 Canned mushroom spareribs soup 蘑菇排骨汤罐头 980 Canned pork and beans in tomato sauce 茄汁黄豆猪肉罐头 981
Canned beef in tomato sauce 茄汁黄寻牛肉罐头 981 I Canned beef and bamboo shoots 牛肉笋丁罐头 982 Canned head of beef and bamboo shoot slice 牛肉笋片罐头头 982 1
Canned oxtail soup 牛尾汤罐头 984 Canned beef and vegetable soup 牛肉蔬菜汤罐头 986 Canned wolfberry beef broth 杞子牛肉汤罐头 987
Canned chicken noodle soup 鸡面汤罐头 988 Canned chicken and vegetable soup 鸡肉蔬菜汤罐头 989 Canned turtle soup 甲鱼汤罐头 990
Canned turtle soup 鲜龟汤罐头 991 Canned black fish soup 黑鱼汤罐头 992 Canned mushroom bran 蘑菇烤麸罐头 993
Canned fresh baked bran 四鲜烤麸罐头 994 Canned vegetable assorted 素什锦罐头 995 Canned stir-fried vegetable assorted 炒素什锦罐头 995 1
Canned lobster sauce 豆豉罐头 996 Canned sweet and sour gluten 糖醋面筋罐头 997 Canned plain chicken fillet 素鸡丝罐头 998
Canned beef soup 牛肉汤罐头 999 Canned astragalus lunch broth 黄芪午肉汤罐头 999 1 Canned vegetable soup 蔬菜浓汤罐头 9100
Canned mushroom and pork belly soup 蘑菇猪肚汤罐头 9101 Canned flower pig tail 花生猪尾罐头 9102 Canned barley stew with pig's feet 猪脚炖苡米罐头 9103
Canned dried pork lung soup 菜干猪肺汤罐头 9104 Canned chicken stew with snow fungus 雪耳炖鸡罐头 9105 Canned kidney soup with western dishes 西菜陈肾汤罐头 9106
Canned pork belly soup with ginkgo bean curd and bamboo 白果腐竹猪肚汤罐头 9107 Canned sweet scented osmanthus lotus root with honey sauce 桂花蜜汁藕罐头 9108 Canned crispy Fried cashew nuts 酥炸腰果罐头 9109
Canned white fungus with water 清水银耳罐头 9110 Canned tremella in syrup 糖水银耳罐头 9110 1 Canned tomato sauce 调味番茄酱 (番茄沙司) 罐头 9111