
豆豉鲮鱼 Dace with preserved black beans




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金梅牌豆豉鲮鱼的原料之一鲮鱼,是捕捞天然生态水库的鲮鱼后直接加工,保证最高的新鲜度。 原料之二的阳江豆豉,是采摘自然生长的阳江大粒黑豆,采用传统古法手工制作,经天然晾晒后,豉肉松化,富含营养,与鲮鱼一起制作出来的豆豉鲮鱼口感酥松,味道鲜甜。


Our GOLD PLUM canned Dace with preserved black beans is with superior quality. We have two important ingredients: one is the preserved black beans, and the other is DACE. Our DACE is extremely fresh. They are processed directly after catching from the natural ecological reservoirs. To protect our quality, we never use the frozen DACE. The other important raw material is our large sized black beans grown naturally in Yangjiang area. They are made by hand in traditional ways after being dried naturally under the sunshine. Fried together with our authentic Yangjiang black bean, our Dace is so delicious and nutritious. Have a taste, and you will love it!




GOLD PLUM canned Dace with preserved black beans184g

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