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General technical standard for metal container of canned food

Here we list the Chinese-English version of the technical terms on can vessel, source GBT425-2017

The supporting photos will come later.


1. 覆膜铁Iaminated steel 
2. 覆膜铝 Iaminated aluminum 
3. 罐体 Can body 
4. 三片罐 three-piece can  
5. 两片罐 two-piece can 
6. 浅冲两片罐 two-piece drawn can 
7. 素铁罐 plain tinplate can 
8. 涂料铁罐 coated steel can 
9. 涂料铝罐 coated aluminium can 
10. 覆膜铁罐 laminated steel can  
11. 覆膜铝罐 laminated aluminum can  
12. 圆罐 round can 
13. 异形罐 irregular can 
14. 扩口罐 expanding can 
15. 直身罐 straight-wall can 
16. 缩颈罐 necked-in can  
17. 焊缝补涂罐 striped can 
18. 滚筋罐 beaded can 
19. 撑胀罐 expanded can 
20. 卷开罐 key open can 
21. 易开盖 easy open end;EOE 
22. 易撕盖 easy peelable end;EPE 
23. 罐盖 end 
24. 补涂带stripe 
25. 毛刺 splash 
26. 冷焊 cold weld 
27. 针孔 pin hole 
28. 击穿 puncture 
29. 漏焊 missing welding 
30. 内涂膜完整性 enamel rate value;ERV 
31. 二重卷边 double seam 
32. 划线不良 faulty score 
33. 卷边不完全 dead head:spinner:skidder;slip seam 
34. 跳封 jumped seam 
35. 假卷 false seam 
36. 大塌边 knocked-down flange;soft crab 
37. 锐边 sharp seam 
38. 快 口 cut-over 
39. 卷边"牙齿"vee; pinlip 
40. 铁舌droop 
41. 垂唇 droop at juncture 
42. 卷边碎裂 cut seam;fractured seam 
43. 双线 double line 
44. 叠接长度 overlap length;OL 
45. 叠接率 overlap percent 
46. 皱纹度 wrinkle rating 
47. 紧密度 tightness ratii 
48. 身钩卷入率 body hook buttin; BHB 
49. 盖钩卷入率 cover hook butting; CHB 
50. 外挤胶 external squeezing of compound 
51. 内流胶 inlernal squeezing of compound 
52. 漏罐 leaked can 
53. 瘪罐 dent can 
54. 凸角 huclke; peaking 
55. 擦伤 scratches  
56. 焊缝错位 off-set 
57. 焊缝拖尾 fishtail 
58. 涂膜脱落lacquer off 
59. 硫化铁 ferric sulphide 
60. 硫化斑 sulphide stains 
61. 氧化圈 oxidation circle 
62. 胀罐/胖听 swelled can 
63. 罐内壁腐蚀 corrosion inside the can 
64. 均匀腐蚀 detinning 
65. 集中腐蚀 pitting 
66. 异常熔锡 abnormally rapid detinning