What's the difference between FORMA and CO?


1、Definition differences:

(1)CO:CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN C.O. is one certificate to indicate the manufacture place of th product.

(2)GSP FORM A: Generalized System of Preferences Certificate of Origin, or "G.S.P","Form A", is a special non-reciprocal treatment from developed countries to developed countries on economical and trading areas.

2、Function differences:
(1)CO:It is the "ORIGIN" certificate for the goods in the international trading affairs, under which the importing countries grant different tariff treatment to the imported goods in certain circumstance.
(2)FORM A:When developing countries export manufactured or semi-manufactured products to developed countries, developed countries exempt or reduce tariffs on developing countries.
3、Notes differences:

(1)CO:Issued by CCPIT or CIQ.

(2)FORM A:Blank filling way. When the preference giving county is belonging to certain customs union, country name is replaced by customs union name.

In conclusion, FORM A and CO are two different kinds of certificates with their own functions and advantages.

4)To which countries can I apply for a FORMA certificate of origin for export?

GSP certificate of origin (FORM A): it is applicable to products exported to 38 developed countries in accordance with the relevant provisions for the benefit of the country.Belgium, Denmark, Britain, Germany, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Greece, Portugal, Spain, Austria, Finland, Sweden, Poland, the Czech republic, Slovakia, Latvia, Estonia, Lithuania, Hungary, Malta, Cyprus, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Romania, Croatia, Norway, Switzerland, New Zealand, Liechtenstein, Russia, belarus, Ukraine, kazakhstan, Canada and Australia.

5)What's the difference between FORMA and CO?

the certificate of origin of FORMA GSP system is applicable to the products exported to 38 developed countries in line with the relevant provisions of the country to the benefit of the customs. CO general certificate of origin, export to any country can, but there is no tariff preference.

However, from my working experience these years, since the tariff preference no longer existed, Canada firstly canceled FORMA, then UK and other EU members canceled FORMA over a year already. CO is easier to get.